Sunday, May 4, 2008

As My Freshman Year of College Comes To an End - My Journey on Developing As a Writer, Approaches a Brief Intermission...

hello - i feel that the paper that i wrote on the end of this semester: for my english class will successfully serve as a good way to complete my blogs .. until next time, ciao for now *

When I began my English 1000C class entitled “Creative Nonfiction”, I did not know what to expect. I very much hoped that it would be an easy conversion into this new world of learning and writing. As the days and weeks passed, I began to awaken myself to a different side of my writing, one that I had never dealt with before. As classes continued, I realized that my classmates and I were experiencing a genre that was indeed in a category of its own. Keeping in mind that I was primarily an academic writer (due to the fact that of late, I have not had the time to write on my own as I have done in the past), our Blog assignments permitted me to consistently write on a much greater level - one that allowed mass amounts of creativity into the assignments that I was producing. This aspect of my work was now allowing for the true essence of writing - to not only be present, but to easily flow.
This particular class has taught me many valuable lessons. Through this class - I have experienced the benefit of working hard and accomplishing rewarding grades for the time that I have put in. I have also become better-rounded, since I am now more tolerant of positive and negative feedback on my work. I have experienced first hand that just because a paper has some corrections on it - is not an indication that it is not a successful piece of work; but instead like everything in life, to be well aware that there is always room for improvement. I have also learned that not every professor is going to find everything a student (who for the most part - writes well) produces, to be a great piece of work. Although this class was sometimes discouraging; in the end I have become more confident in my writing abilities, since I now know what exactly it is I am capable of. I am very pleased with the fact that I am currently more open to different kinds of artistic writing, as well as how I grew to love the genre of Creative Nonfiction (one that I did not even know existed before this past semester). Learning to incorporate an artistic way into what I have always known writing to be, opened many new doors for me - especially when dealing with our Blogs (which as I have stated in the beginning of the semester, certainly intend to keep and maintain). Our Blogs being part of our grades, as well as all of the other assignments this class has offered - drastically differ from any other class I have been a part of; yet still manage to stand out to me in a very positive way. Simultaneously, as I began my Blog I was unaware that I was also beginning to look past academic writing, and the limitations associated with it. As I read certain works of literature and novels in the past, I was then forced to spit back information regarding what I have read and inferred on the topics assigned.
As I think back to my last semester’s English class - one that regarded “Literature in a Global Context”, it portrays the beauty of the English subject area because of its ability to be diversified. When dealing with the professor that some of my classmates in my Creative Nonfiction course also had, I think back to how the young professor conducted our classes; students reading the works (some of the novels were interesting - however some were horribly boring), having to take notes on what we went over, and then respond with the correct answers in order to show her that we had completed and understood the work. These classes in particular are tolerable; but if given the choice, not ideal for me as a student. I feel as if they are more juvenile, and remind me as if I were back in high school. The English class that I am in now however, truly opened up a new world of writing to us; one in which I do not think I can ever shy away from.
As I have mentioned in a number of personal works I have done this semester (my random Blog incorporated), writing should not entirely be based around academics alone; but aimed more towards being a part of the writer’s soul. This way, each work can and will include the true meaning of what it is to be an educated, inspired, dedicated individual - regardless of what the capabilities or talent one has. Since I had no way of avoiding taking English 1100 so early in my college career (due to the schedules of incoming freshman being made up for us) I now know that it would have been more beneficial to take that class later on. If it were possible and I had an insight on what to expect from each class and why - I definitely would have chose to take English 1000C first, before I took the English class I was enrolled in last semester. Although I received an A- as my final grade for that English course - I feel it would have been much more useful to take it second; since it did not promote creativity, but instead restrictions involved with writing that I was accustomed to.
As I reflect on this past semester more in depth and base my focus on English 1000C; I currently realize the significance of thesis papers that permit freedom of the art, an amazing aspect of writing. To try and categorize myself as a writer, I would have to state that the best of my writing originates from a place deep within me, and as long as I have some slight guidelines - the best pieces of work are produced this way. I believe that successful writing takes time, patience, and courage. In addition, I feel that it is much more significant to write about how one feels regarding a particular topic (one reason is because it promotes individuality), rather than answering questions that do not interest or pertain to that person, just so one can obtain a good grade. On a personal note, my strengths lay in the experiences that I have already overcome and reside deep within my soul. My weaknesses are deeply intertwined with my own procrastination and more importantly, my lack of time management skills. Overall, I believe that this course and even this paper, serve as a great way in seeing how much I have grown as a writer; as well as how much I have learned about myself along the way - strengths and weaknesses included. I strongly believe that every assignment within this class had a lesson within itself; lessons that added up to the success of the students, as well as the course’s content and goals. I am very grateful in having been able to be a part of this class; a class that had a professor that was always so far ahead of the game, without us even knowing the lessons his students would extract from his class alone.

1 comment:

Alyssa C. said...

*a fine mess we've gotten ourselves into, eh?

love you lady- it's been great love- and btw, very well put =)