Saturday, March 15, 2008

Lohan - Finally Picking Up The Pieces

as many sources recently reveal: Lindsay Lohan is trying her best to remain sober from alcohol, as well as from drugs .. although the celebrity had to go to rehab about six months ago * i give her a lot of credit for not only getting her serious problems under control, but also trying her best to avoid potential problems related to her past history - when dealing with substance abuse .. i know Lohan tainted her image to the public by being known as a huge "party girl", but as i have read from a lot of different sources, she has even went as far as dumping her friends - that were considered to be a bad influence on her .. i think this is a great idea because this way, the friends that she used to do heavy drinking & drugs with will not be around her - constantly tempting or persuading her in any which way * until she becomes strong enough to hit up the clubs with them again .. Lohan's goal is to "stay straight" & i really hope she accomplishes this - for a few reasons .. this is to due to the fact that this would better her own life & eventually her reputation, but also because a lot of young girls look up to her [& other celebrity girls as well] & if she cleans herself up: she not only portrays the image that she realized that she headed down a bad path & fixed it [that it is never too late to try & rectify issues], but she would also imply that there becomes a point in most people's lives that you need to grow up, & prioritize what is important with what is not .. if you live life as if it is one huge party until you are forty years old, odds are you will miss out on a lot – such as getting married or having a family .. i know that this life is not for everyone, & i absolutely stand behind the fact that life is too short & thus - you should make the best of it & that is why myself, along with many teens my age love to have enjoyment in our lives by partying on the weekends & being stress-free .. however - there definitely needs to be consistency, as well as maturity to know when things are getting out of hand or if a bad situation is arising .. if everything is done moderately, & not all or nothing – it is better than being or doing too much or too little of something .. i mean, it is one thing to go out & have a good time - but people that develop problems [such as Lohan] need to tone that life down, & take charge of their lives in order to get them back to where they should be .. i am always down for a good time, but i think that you should not live your life based all around partying – but instead when you are young, let it be an aspect of your life without it being the whole thing .. after all, my English class for example – are in college to grow: educationally, emotionally, & maturity wise * & i feel that if we stay on top of ourselves to become well-rounded, stable, responsible individuals - there is no harm in having a good time: as long as you make good choices & keep a good head on your shoulders, by not just living for the moment .. ciao *

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